Lesley 30th July 2020

Tarmac and Theology..... Gordon was one of the first people I met when came to St Andrews, one of my spiritual giants, an elder statesman. I was thinking about what I loved about him.... - Being in several home groups with him. His wisdom, delivered pragmatically but softened by that twinkle in his eye, honed by years “long obedience in the same direction”. Fierce debates and much laughter. - Finding him laying tarmac on his drive with the help of a 4 year old grandson, when I raised an eyebrow they both just grinned. - Dancing with him at many St Andrews celebrations, as fast on his feet as ever. - Sailing on the broads with him and seeing him tack away from beautiful wooden boats ...just in time, without the merest flicker of anxiety (on his part) I shall miss this wise, funny, servant hearted man, who has taught me much not just in words but the way he lived. Lesley Manning